His Heartministers
His Heartministers
Heart2Heart Discipleship for Ministry Leaders
Heart2Heart Discipleship for Ministry Leaders
This program is designed to help leaders and ministers become the best they can be, whether in the early training stages, already a new minister, or even for seasoned ministers who want to reach for the "MORE"!
- To equip, empower, and encourage ministers to be the best and highest caliber of minister they can be.
- To provide an opportunity to sharpen their ministry skill set, to be able to go deeper and faster in their ministry calling and anointing.
- To prepare ministers to have a sustainable and enduring ministry, both personally and publicly, through spiritual discipline and development.
- To build up and encourage each minister to a deeper walk with the Lord as they are called to higher levels of intercession and authority as a shepherd/leader in the body of Christ
Core Beliefs:
- We minister heart to heart, personally and professionally.
- We do ministry the way Jesus modeled, and allow Him to do ministry.
- We are led by the Holy Spirit, step by step.
- We go to the Father for resolution, comfort, nurture, & judgment.
- We receive our true Identity as Righteous sons/daughters in Christ.
- We receive our calling and anointing to serve the Body of Christ as Healing Agents.
- We are Special Ops trained to do warfare at highest levels of authority and anointing.
Heart2Heart Discipleship 2 Ministry Leaders
WHO will benefit and WHAT are the Benefits of this program?
I feel almost anybody could benefit from this program because it is uniquely designed and personalized to each minster’s needs, regardless of ability or qualifications. Most ministers have a heart to see people healed, are looking for real solutions for real problems, have a compassion for the lost, and want to make a difference. They have a heart to help and serve others. As we often tell parents, the best gift they can give their own children is their own healing. It is the same for Christian leaders. Who and what you are will attract like spirits. The more honest and healed you are, the more you give those you serve the freedom to choose the same.
One of the Major PROBLEMS most ministers face in creating a sustainable and effective ministry is some form of lack; lack of income, lack of momentum, lack of preparedness, lack of opportunity, lack of knowledge, lack of healing, lack of boundaries, lack of balance, lack of communication skills, etc. We often tell our trainees and students that we are your greatest cheerleaders and want you to succeed as much or more than you do! But sometimes there is a gap between what the school can provide and what you are ready for as you become heads of your own ministry. Addressing these head on will be a major focus of this program.
There are FOUR groups I have targeted that I feel will benefit the most from H2H Discipleship mentoring:
First, are the IFM or Issue-Focus Ministers of RTF, whether new or experienced. Since the ministry room is the greatest teacher, they are ripe for healthy imprinting about the Integrated approach and how it works. lt is essential that we understand what distinguishes RTF Issue focus from many other issue related ministries. It is also an opportunity to hopefully prevent common pitfalls that come with learning something new. Helpful tips and guidance can make the journey much safer and productive. Seeing the Big picture as well as the small one will make the ministry more fruitful, allowing it to go deeper and faster in the time allowed.
Secondly, the New HHN ministers, who are just getting their own ministry launched and starting to build their own momentum. When you are first released into the HHN, there is STILL a lot to learn about RTF and being able to minister to such a broad range of receivers. With even a few small tips and refinements, your ministry can accelerate and gain momentum much more effectively. It is also a testing time, when the enemy will try to steal all the training and investment that has been poured into you. Your calling and commitment will be tested. Do you want to have the level of anointing and mechanics that will sustain you? We have had to start and rebuild momentum several times, having both almost died, Brian from pancreatitis 11 years ago, and Linda from a stroke 6 years ago.
Thirdly, the Experienced HHN ministers, who have done plenty of RTF over a number of years. Those who have committed to and stayed in this ministry for the long-haul STILL need to keep learning, growing, and sharpening their skills as ministers and disciples of Jesus. We ALL need to be encouraged, renewed, re-energized, and refreshed with new revelation along the way. We have noticed that every 50 or so Thoroughs, there is a new level of anointing and growth we achieve, a greater ease, along with a greater burden to see the Body of Christ healed and set free. Without it, there is great risk for burnout, loneliness, and isolation. This is an opportunity to renew your passion, refocus your vision, and to reach higher than ever before.
Fourthly, for any minister, RTF or otherwise, who just wants to refine and refocus their calling, anointing, and preparedness for their God-given assignments. These same principles apply to all of us who are leaders in the Body of Christ, seeking to be our best for Him and His children. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of places pastors and leaders can go to, where they can feel safe and not judged, where they can be totally honest with themselves and God, where they can confront their fears and limitations and press into the higher levels of God’s calling and presence. This can hopefully provide that kind of opportunity for both growth and healing.
As I started listing the potential benefits, they seemed almost too many to list. But I will try.
- Increased faith; greater results; abundance of joy; longevity; confidence; transferable skills; quality standard of care; increased fruitfulness; greater purpose and preparedness; a ministry with eternal value and inheritance; team-work skills; an impartation of greater spiritual authority; connection with Him, and connection with the Body; accountability; strength, courage, and power; Dedication and commitment; stronger Identity; boundaries; grounding; healthy investment for the future; healthier lifestyle; greater wisdom and more direct solutions to problems;
Some of the FRUIT you can see increase in your ministry:
- You can expect to see greater miracles, marriages restored, families at peace, sexual brokenness and addictions healed and restored, control turned to proper authority and grace, pride turned to humility, improved communications, orphans turned into true sons/daughters, victims becoming victorious, new hopes, dreams, and visions fulfilled, people restored to their right mind, integration of broken parts, trauma turned into peace, and the list goes on.
HOW MUCH would this be worth to you? What would prevent you from achieving or even desiring such blessings? Is this an unrealistic pipe dream? When we are asked to consider doing something new or investing our time, energy, and resources, what are the things we consider?
Cost – Is the value or reward from the investment worth the cost? “I can’t afford it”, so many people tend to say, even before they have prayed about it. Many in the church struggle with this poverty mindset. “’Ask and you shall receive, it’s that simple’, signed God.”, a ministry receiver of ours painted for us recently. Ask God! It’s HIS job to pay for whatever He assigns us. What a novel concept!
Convenience – “I’m too busy with my ministry and other responsibilities to do this.” What is God’s priority for you? What does HE say you need, and WHEN you need it? We often say, “If God is stirring things up, He’s probably saying to you, ‘NOW is the time to take care of business.’”
Fear, Insecurity, & Pride – “But I’m already a pastor. I don’t need anything like this. I’ve already been through enough training and healing.” Really? Honestly? Have you received everything God has for you in this life? Leaders often feel if they need to ask for help it means they are failing somehow, or not measuring up to expectations. I’ve noticed that the more insecure the leader, the more controlling they tend to be; and the more secure they are, the freer they are in accepting people as they are, without judgment.
Mistrust of God, the Church, and others – Amazingly, there are plenty of leaders in the Body of Christ who struggle to truly trust God and others, due to a variety of hurts, traumas, and rejections. WHO are you going to trust? Ultimately, you have to trust someone. If you can only rely on yourselves, that too is a recipe for burnout and death. The Body ONLY works when it operates as a community, one part doing its part while relying on the other parts to do theirs.
Distance & Time – "It’s too far, takes too long, there’s no one in my area...", etc. We do so much by Zoom, Skype, email, FaceTime, etc. We have ministered to people from over 45 nations. Is any obstacle too great for God? Are you willing to ask for help?
"IT'S TOO HARD!" – If we are honest with ourselves, is this not a question we often tell ourselves? WHO do you think is telling you this?! The enemy!! Jesus says to come and be yoked with Him, that it will be “easy and light, for I am gentle and humble in spirit.” (Matthew 11:28-30) Does HE make things too hard? NEVER! It is another convenient excuse that the enemy tells us to intimidate us or make us feel inadequate or disqualified for the greater things of God. What CHOICE do YOU want to make? Ultimately, the choice is ALWAYS yours!
The focus of our ministry for the past 20 years has been healing and deliverance, but what is the ultimate purpose of our healing? Is it not to become great disciples? To be free to experience His presence and power, to walk in our highest calling and anointing? As His disciples, His anointed leaders, called to specific assignments and purposes, He sets the training and directions. What's next for you? How does your spirit respond as you consider this opportunity to go higher and deeper?
It is our great privilege and honor to serve the Body of Christ and its leadership. We are all in this together, we learn together, we love together, we serve together, we grow together, and we celebrate together! We are equally valued and precious to Him, worth more than all the gold and jewels in the world. We look forward to getting to know you and partnering with you to see the Bride of Christ come forth in all her glory. If you feel the Lord is prompting you to explore this further, we would be happy to assist you. Thanks for considering your participation in this heartfelt project.
Brian & Linda Jacobson,
Licensed & Ordained ministers with Restoring the Foundations, Intl.
HisHeartministers LLC
Email: Heartministers@yahoo.com
Website: HisHeartministers.com
-700 Thoroughs; ministry to over 1,000 individuals, marriages, and families.
-30+ years of ministry experience.
-14 years as RTF full-time ministers, trainers.
-RTF Chaplains; RTF Senior-trainer.
-Created 4 RTF based seminars.
-Personally ministered to 50 HHN ministers.
-Taught 10 years at RTF International headquarters.
-Worked with people from 45 countries.
-Received personal ongoing ministry from several ministers.
-International Counselor & House Director at Good Samaritan Ministries.
-Chaplain at Seattle Downtown shelter.
-Pastored for 7 years; Master of Divinity from Fuller Seminary;
-4 decades teaching Bible studies and preaching.
-2 years Advanced training in Theophostic Ministry.
-2 years as Counseling Supervisor & seminar leader with House of Myrrh
-Elijah House Training; Ellel Training; Sozo Training; Healing Rooms training;
-ACOA training; AA training; Chaplaincy & Elder care training.
-SRA/DID basic and advanced training.
Heart2Heart Discipleship 2 Ministry Leaders
This application lays out preparation for our time together, the costs and levels of commitment, and crucial information to help personally design a mentoring program that is tailored to your individual needs. It is a downloadable and fillable form you can email back to us. Thank you.
What our customers are saying
What our customers are saying
"Brian and Linda are like God's mighty warriors and healing ministers on this earth. The Lord has used them in ways in our lives that words can't even do justice. They've helped not only my husband and I find true healing and restoration within our marriage, but they have been a beautiful instrument to help our whole family find redemption. Restoring the Foundations is an amazing ministry that helped us stop the generational sins and curses we didn't even know we battled against; and it has helped each of us become aware of what ungodly beliefs are and how to change them to Godly beliefs, how to heal old wounds through the power of Christ, and how to live a life of freedom. Life is a journey and we are so thankful the Lord brought RTF ministry into our lives to help give us the tools to fight the battles in this lifetime so we can be more effective in our home, and for Jesus. They are truly the best human beings, and their hearts are so pure and good. They help shine light on darkness and point you straight to Jesus. We love them and they've become like family!"
Crista Stewart - Nashville, TN